
This book is an 텐알바 overall list of occupational fields, providing information about job characteristics, working conditions, location of employment, required training, job prospects, earnings, related occupations, and sources for further information. The working environment can also discuss major industries employing this type of work. Work Environment The work environment tab includes the number of jobs held by this occupation, and describes the work environment, expected levels of physical activity, and typical hours worked.

How To Be One The How To Be One tab describes how one might prepare to be employed in an occupation. This tab may include information about education, training, work experience, licensure, and certifications, as well as essential qualities required or useful to entering or working in the occupation.

Other sources of information Link to other resources and organizations that may be useful for your job search. Use CDOs Resource Area Bookcases to find general career information, assistance in making career choices, and specific information on different careers. The CDO offers several resources and assessments, including MyPlan, an online career decision-making program, to help you get more information about yourself and different careers.

California Career Guides offers information on careers for students and job seekers, helping make informed career choices. Counselors, staff at the Career Center, and parents use the guides to complement counselors own career knowledge as they help students make career decisions. Adults who are interested in changing careers use Guides to learn about what other career options are related to their skills and interests.

Career Pathways shows students of all ages what courses will provide the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to pursue a chosen career. The middle part of the following graphic shows the basic knowledge and skills. A path is the clustering of related occupational specialties under each occupational cluster.

Career fields are ways to classify various types of jobs by shared similarities. Career fields help individuals organize the various types of jobs in an easily understandable manner. Career fields help people to narrow their choices for careers, so that they can select the particular paths that are right for them.

Knowing different career fields will help you in choosing a suitable job according to your talents, education, and interests. Knowing what is important to you (your values), what you like (your interests) and what you are good at (your skills) will help make your career decision easier. Exploring your values, interests, and skills will help you to discover education and career options that align with your goals.

When choosing coursework and eventually majors, look at your skills, values, and interests, as well as the academic requirements and potential careers. One obvious way to research careers is by taking specialized courses that are directly related to fields of knowledge used by certain careers.

While many of the jobs in this occupational cluster are jobs with bachelors degrees, it is entirely possible to enter it without having earned your bachelors degree.

There are plenty of associates degree jobs in arts and sciences you can get in just two years. The Architecture & Construction Career Cluster has a number of interesting jobs you might find interesting. From anesthesiologists to orthodontists, some of the highest paying jobs are in the health professions career cluster.

There are formal education programs in architecture and planning, but those careers also involve self-taught individuals with natural talents. Here are some careers – including a couple of jobs from trade schools – that could result in a solid, fulfilling career. A career is not just a job, or job, or job title.

There are a lot of benefits and reasons why people choose to pursue a different career path. It is important to remember, however, that although it may take time to find out what to do next, the majority of people who are career changers are ultimately satisfied with the new profession that they have chosen.

In fact, the reason why people make a career change is that they are doing so because they are unhappy at their current job. In such cases, there is less chance that the person will feel job dissatisfaction, as the persons choice of career aligns with their personal values.

Career decisions are also affected by factors like job flexibility. A flexible role is one of many reasons why people switch careers to find better work-life balance.

Work experience in related professions Work experience generally considered essential by employers, or commonly accepted as an alternative to more formal types of training or education. Entry-level education The typical educational level most workers will need to begin an occupation. Education Providers Find schools that offer programs to prepare you for this career.

Studying medicine can be a long, challenging road, so it is important that you give your career a trial run by working as a health care worker.

Your knowledge about the working world, networking efforts, and contributions to your workplace will have a direct impact on your career security and opportunities for advancement. Government careers — This category includes jobs that work directly with governmental agencies at a federal, state, or local level. The public and social services career-field comprises jobs where you provide tangible support to individuals and communities in order to enrich the lives of individuals.

With this in mind, we are going to look at career transition statistics to see what they tell us about what is the best path forward. Statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a department within the Labor Department, do not include changes to career tracks over an individuals life. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, part of the Department of Labor, releases extensive employment and compensation data on an occupational basis, including information about careers, levels and projections of employment, and a variety of types of earnings data.

A new “Search for Occupations” function gives users tools for finding careers and education goals that match their interests. Clusters can be used in the process of exploring careers, and are one way of finding your best match in career.